
Florida Legal Information Blog


What Is Accident Report Privilege In Florida And What Does It Mean For You As A Driver Or Passenger Involved In A Car Accident?

Accident report privilege is a law in Florida that protects drivers and passengers that are involved in a car accident from having their statements used against them in court. This means that if you are involved in an accident, the information that you provide to law enforcement can not be…


Child Car Seats: What You Need to Know

It’s no secret that car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in children. Every 25 seconds, a child is involved in a car crash while riding as a passenger. Every day, around 500 children get injured in car accidents in the United States. However, when car seats…


Driving In The Rain In West Palm Beach (Helpful Tips To Avoid A Car Crash)

The rainy season in West Palm Beach typically lasts from May until October. During this time the area experiences an average of 12 inches of rainfall per month. The rains usually come in the form of thunderstorms, which can sometimes be severe. While the weather can be a bit unpredictable during…