
Después de conocer este caso, me pareció importante destacarlo aún más. El equipo legal hizo un trabajo excepcional y el compromiso de la familia para proteger a otros es realmente admirable.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Un jurado del condado de Palm Beach otorgó $100 millones a un niño y su familia después de que una circuncisión fallida le causara lesiones permanentes. El procedimiento fue realizado por un exmédico que había perdido su licencia solo unos días antes de la cirugía.

Si bien el veredicto reconoce el grave daño causado y responsabiliza al médico, obtener la compensación total es un desafío importante. En Florida, los veredictos millonarios suelen acaparar titulares, pero cobrar el dinero es otro obstáculo, especialmente cuando el acusado carece de recursos financieros o seguro.


After reading about this case, I thought it important to share and praise those that worked on it.  Excellent work by the attorneys.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – A Palm Beach County jury awarded $100 million to a young boy and his family after a failed circumcision left the child permanently injured. The procedure was performed by a former doctor who had lost his medical license just days before the surgery.

While the verdict acknowledges the devastating harm caused and holds the doctor accountable, obtaining the full compensation presents a significant challenge. In Florida, high-dollar verdicts often make headlines, but actually collecting the money is another battle—especially when the defendant lacks financial resources or insurance.

Por qué su caso de resbalón y caída podría no tener éxito: un desglose de los hechos y elementos legales

Lo que me sucedió: Hoy, mientras compraba en Whole Foods en West Palm Beach, me tropecé y me lesioné el tobillo, la cadera y la espalda. Sin embargo, no hubo una causa evidente para mi caída. El piso no estaba mojado ni resbaladizo, y no había ningún objeto en mi camino, como una caja, escombros o una superficie irregular. En otras palabras, la tienda no parecía negligente y nada en particular parecía haber contribuido a mi accidente. Dado estos hechos, es poco probable que tenga un caso sólido de resbalón y caída bajo la ley de Florida. AM-300x163.png

Por qué su caso podría no ser una buena reclamación de resbalón y caída En Florida, para que un caso de resbalón y caída tenga éxito, debe probarse negligencia por parte del propietario de la propiedad. La negligencia significa que la tienda (o el propietario de la propiedad) tuvo culpa de alguna manera, ya sea por no mantener un entorno seguro o por no tomar medidas para prevenir la lesión. Aquí está el porqué mi situación no cumple con los criterios para un caso legal sólido:

Provided by Attorney Rp Foley 

What Happened to me:

Today, while shopping at Whole Foods, in West Palm beach,  I tripped and injured my ankle, hip, and back. However, there was no obvious cause for my fall. The floor wasn’t wet or slippery, and there was no object in my path, such as a box, debris, or an uneven surface. In other words, the store did not seem negligent, and nothing in particular appeared to contribute to my accident. Given these facts, it’s unlikely I would have a strong slip and fall case under Florida law.

Una Pérdida Trágica y los Desafíos de Buscar Justicia

La pérdida de José Francisco González-Pérez, de 57 años, en Jupiter Farms es una tragedia profunda que ha dejado a su familia devastada. En la noche del 13 de diciembre de 2024, González-Pérez fue atropellado y muerto por un vehículo mientras yacía en los carriles en dirección oeste de la carretera West Indiantown Road. Su fallecimiento ha planteado muchas preguntas y causado un dolor inmenso a sus seres queridos, quienes deben enfrentarse tanto a las complejidades emocionales como legales de la situación.

Las circunstancias que rodean este accidente aún están bajo investigación por la Oficina del Sheriff del Condado de Palm Beach. González-Pérez fue encontrado tirado en la carretera, y un vehículo que viajaba en dirección oeste lo atropelló, terminando trágicamente con su vida. Lo que hace aún más desgarrante este caso es el hecho de que el vehículo no se detuvo después de la colisión, abandonando la escena sin brindar ayuda o contactar a las autoridades.

A Tragic Loss and the Challenges of Seeking Justice


The loss of 57-year-old Jose Francisco Gonzalez-Perez in Jupiter Farms is a profound tragedy that has left his family devastated. On the night of December 13, 2024, Gonzalez-Perez was struck and killed by a vehicle while lying in the westbound lanes of West Indiantown Road. His passing has raised many questions and created immense pain for his loved ones, who are left to cope with both the emotional and legal complexities of the situation.

The circumstances surrounding this crash are still under investigation by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office. Gonzalez-Perez was found lying in the road, and a vehicle traveling westbound ran over him, tragically ending his life. What makes this case even more heart-wrenching is the fact that the vehicle did not stop after the collision, leaving the scene without providing any aid or contacting authorities.

Palm Beach County Serious Bodily Injury and Wrongful Death Lawyers


Driving late at night can be incredibly hazardous, especially during the holiday season when the roads may seem quieter, but the risks are heightened. Fatigue, impaired driving, and poor visibility all contribute to a higher likelihood of accidents during these late hours. A recent tragic crash in Palm Beach County, Florida, serves as a painful reminder of how dangerous driving at night can be, and how the legal aftermath can affect everyone involved.

On the morning of December 29, 2024, a catastrophic head-on collision occurred on US-27 near Mile Marker 85, resulting in the deaths of two people and leaving three others critically injured. This tragic incident, which is still under investigation by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO) Traffic Division, underscores the devastating consequences of late-night driving, particularly around the holidays.

In Florida personal injury cases, insurance companies may request an Examination Under Oath (EUO), which is a formal questioning of the insured party conducted under oath and recorded. This process serves several purposes:

Investigation of the Claim: It helps the insurer thoroughly investigate the incident behind the personal injury claim, gathering precise information from the insured.

Verification of Information: The EUO verifies the accuracy and consistency of the insured’s claim details, ensuring its legitimacy.

Trucking accidents are an unfortunate occurrence in Florida, and they can have severe consequences for those involved due to the state’s location and infrastructure that sees a high volume of commercial truck traffic on major routes like I-75, I-95, and I-10. These accidents can occur from various causes, such as driver fatigue, distracted driving, speeding, improper loading of cargo, and equipment failure. Large commercial trucks’ size and weight often result in severe injuries or fatalities in accidents.

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) maintains traffic accident statistics, reporting 30 to 40,000 crashes each year involving commercial motor vehicles in Florida. According to their reports, the most common causes of commercial vehicle crashes in Florida are speeding, failure to yield right-of-way, following too closely, and improper lane changes.

Trucking accidents resulting in serious bodily injury and death often lead to truck drivers denying liability for the accident, making it difficult for victims to receive compensation for damages. Determining liability in such cases is complicated as multiple parties are often involved, including the truck driver, trucking company, maintenance personnel, and even the manufacturer in cases of defective parts.

Si te demandan por negligencia en el estado de Florida, es fundamental actuar rápidamente y tomar las medidas adecuadas para protegerte y minimizar tu responsabilidad. Las reclamaciones por negligencia pueden ser costosas y consumir mucho tiempo, y no manejarlas correctamente puede tener consecuencias graves. En este blog, discutiremos qué debes hacer si te demandan por negligencia en Florida, por qué es importante llamar a tu compañía de seguros y qué puedes hacer para minimizar tu responsabilidad.

Consulta nuestro blog anterior sobre los conceptos básicos del seguro de automóviles en Florida.

Paso 1: Llama a tu Compañía de Seguros

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